Contrary to popular belief, you don’t need thousands of page views to monetize your blog.
In fact, you can turn your blog profitable with only a few articles and a very low visitor count.
Of the many ways to monetize a blog, each of them can be applied at different stages of your blogging journey.
In this post, you’ll learn exactly when you can monetize your blog with each method.
This way, you won’t waste your time attempting strategies at the wrong time, which might lead you to believe that they don’t work.
Monetizing your Blog with Ads
When I started my first website, I didn’t want to focus on monetizing until I’d managed to gather a significant audience.
My traffic strategy was Pinterest alone, and I thought I’d have to write quite a few articles in order to start getting visitors.
Luckily (or not), one of my posts (the 6th) was shared by a big Pinterest account and went viral.
Instantly, my website jumped from less than 10 page views per day to 1,000.
I couldn’t believe it!
But I instantly encountered the next problem in line…
I felt I was “wasting” all those visitors!
They were clicking through my Pin, reading my article and… leaving.
I knew I had to do something, so while I worked on a strategy to gather email subscribers, I created an Adsense account and placed Ads on my website.
I didn’t like the idea of using Ads and struggled with it for a few days, but I felt I needed to do something.
At an average of 1,000 visitors per day, I earned less than $1 and wasn’t happy with the experience I was providing my new audience.
I have since learned that Google Adsense is the lowest paying Ad network out there. But since it’s the only one without a minimum page view requirement, it’s also the only option for someone starting out.
Once you reach around 30,000 page views per month, you can apply for Ezoic and you’ll likely get a couple of $100s. Not bad!
At 100,000 pageviews, Adthrive will be your next best friend and you’ll be able to earn more than enough to cover a few bills
So, when can you monetize your blog with Ads?
If your monetization strategy is website Ads, don’t bother to place ads or learn about them until you have at least 10,000 consistent pageviews.
Before that, your efforts are better spent on building up that traffic.
But there are other strategies with which you can start earlier…
Monetizing your Blog through Affiliate Marketing
There was a time when Amazon Associates and other programs would pay more than Ad networks.
That time has passed!
There will always be exceptions, but that’s the rule in most cases nowadays.
Affiliate marketing has become very competitive, and articles that focus on buying intent don’t rank easy on search engines.
But there is a way to make some nice bucks with affiliate marketing without a huge audience.
If you build a relationship with them.
All you must do is create an attractive enough lead magnet (free gift) for your audience in exchange for their email addresses, you can then market to them through email.
Research shows that over 70% of the population is more comfortable to move towards a purchase from an email than any other method.
Think about it, which of the following would be more likely to convince you to hire an email marketing software?
- An article reviewing this same software…
- An email from someone who has been emailing you tips to monetize your blog recommending this same software.
You can learn everything you need about email marketing for affiliate marketing in this article.
When can you monetize your blog with affiliate links?
If you simply use affiliate links in your articles, it’ll probably take you longer to earn a significant income than with ads. But with a few extra steps and using email marketing, you can accelerate the process significantly.
If you learn to do email marketing right, a good rule of thumb to consider is that you can earn $1 per email subscriber per month.
With only a few visitors and a good lead magnet, you can start slowly growing your email list.
With little effort and a lot of mistakes, I built my first email list to 300 subscribers in only a few months, which is equivalent to around $300 per month.
If this is your preferred way to monetize, you can download my done-for-you landing page template and access a free affiliate training here!
Your Own Products
This is the scariest method, but before I lose you, let me just say that it doesn’t need to be difficult to create an info product.
In fact, you can easily record a complete video training that people will pay close to $100 in a week or so, just using what you already know.
A friend of mine, who has received a dismissal notice, recently came to me asking for help to build a business as a dance teacher.
The strategy I gave him completely blew his mind!
He didn’t expect it to be so easy to leverage his already existing skills to help others and make money.
No one does!
I drafted a sales funnel that leveraged his dance knowledge in so many more ways than he ever knew possible.
After he showed me a video he’d recorded teaching salsa to another friend, I advised him to record 6 more of those and call them “Learn to dance Salsa like an Expert in 7 Days”, and give them away for free.
This would be the entry point of his sales funnel.
In exchange for these videos, the salsa enthusiasts would give him their email address.
On the next page, they’d be offered private classes with him.
These classes would be recorded and a longer, more in-depth course would be sold for those who wish to learn from home at a smaller price. And all he has to do is record the classes he’s already doing.
As you can imagine, this course can be sold to an infinite number of people, as opposed to in-person classes.
Once my friend starts selling a high enough number of courses online, he can increase the price of his private lessons.
Many more products can be created around this and the income potential is only limited by our beliefs.
Ideally, your products can also be coupled with affiliate products or joint ventures with other people, but those strategies are beyond the scope of this article.
When Should You Monetize Your Blog for the Best Results
Once you have an audience in mind and start researching their questions, needs, and problems, you can create a monetization strategy.
If you learn to do this properly, you’ll probably earn more in a few months than most bloggers after years of hard work.
So how do you learn to build profitable sales funnels that will turn your readers into email subscribers who are eager to give you money?
There’s an incredible training I recently went through that will have you making your first sales in less than 30 days.
In fact, many people report 5 figures before the 30-day challenge is even finished.
With daily training and accountability, there’s no better way to go from zero to hero!
You can join the One Funnel Away Challenge here!
The next one will be starting VERY soon!
If you have any questions or need help during the challenge, feel free to leave a comment below or join our awesome Facebook community here!